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Are you looking for a dual purpose heritage chicken breed or a backyard egg producer? Let me introduce you to the Golden Laced Wyandottes. These chickens may be the perfect fit for you so keep reading to learn all about Golden Laced Wyandottes.

Origin and History of Golden Laced Wyandottes
According to this article Wyandotte chickens are named after a Native American tribe located in upstate New York. They were originally called American Sebrights, but their name was formally changed to Wyandotte in 1883.
There are many different types of Wyandottes including the Golden Laced Wyandotte. The first breed of Wyandottes was the silver laced Wyandotte which was actually the breed used to develop the Golden Laced Wyandotte.
Golden Laced Wyandottes were developed by breeding Silver Laced Wyandottes, Dark Brahmas, and Spangled Hamburgs. So Golden Laced Wyandottes have many different ancestors (must be why they are good for so many things).

The Golden Laced Wyandotte originated from Wisconsin and was originally called the Winnebago (named after Wisconsin’s Lake Winnebago).
Golden Laced Wyandottes are also considered a heritage breed. According to this article heritage breed chickens should live long productive lives with few if any health complications.
Why Golden Laced Wyandottes are so great
This breed has survived over 100 years of chicken keeping and their popularity has grown in recent years. Here are some of the reasons this breed has been a favorite chicken of many coops.
Egg Laying
While Golden Laced Wyandottes are a dual purpose breed I have just kept them for egg laying. Golden Laced Wyandottes lay an average of 200 eggs per year which is very good for a heritage breed chicken.
My Wyandottes even lay some eggs in the winter which is unusual for other chicken breeds. While they do slow down in winter having just a few fresh eggs is great.

Because Golden Laced Wyandottes are considered a heritage breed chicken, they can be productive egg layers for up to 5-7 years. This is much longer than what is considered “normal” for non-heritage chicken breeds.
Meat Production
If you are looking for a heritage breed chicken for meat production Golden Laced Wyandottes may be a good idea. They are a great dual purpose breed having the ability to produce both meat and eggs.
I don’t know about you but Golden Laced Wyandottes are beautiful! I really love the black lacing with the golden brown centers. This chicken’s ornate feathering really stands out in the chicken coop.

Hens weigh in around 6.5 pounds while roosters are heavier at 8.5 pounds. Since these birds are on the mid to large size they can handle the cold weather better.
Golden Laced Wyandottes also have a rose comb and smaller wattles which makes them great for cold climates. They are less likely to get frostbite on their combs and wattles because they grow closer to their bodies.
Unlike Salmon Faverolles Wyandottes do not have a beard, muff, or feathered feet. If you are looking for a great looking chicken Golden Laced Wyandottes are a great choice.
Winter Hardiness
Wyandottes were first developed in the northern United States and were bred with the cold weather in mind. I have kept my Wyandottes in an unheated chicken coop and they get through the winter very well.
If you live in the northern US I would highly recommend this breed because they are so cold hardy. If you live in a warm climate though you may want to look for heat tolerant chickens.
Even though they do have low profile combs their is still a chance they may get frostbite. To prevent this, in extremely cold snaps (like 10-20oF below zero; Yes, it gets that cold up here!), I will put a layer of petroleum jelly on their combs.
This creates another layer of protection from the frigid temperatures which can keep them from getting frostbite.
Wyandotte chickens are said to have a calm and friendly demeanor. While they may be calm I have not found mine to be overly friendly.

They are not aggressive at all, but they are less keen on the idea of me holding them than my other chickens are. They don’t mind me being around, I just can’t get too close.
If you wind up getting a rooster make sure to follow these tips to keep him from getting aggressive.
Golden Laced Wyandotte Chicks
One of the most striking things about Golden Laced Wyandottes is how beautiful they look as chicks. They have a dark coat and dark eyes that just look amazing. These chicks are definitely a stunner.

Are Golden Laced Wyandottes right for me
If you want a heritage chicken breed that can produce both meat and eggs I think you should get
Golden Laced Wyandottes. I love my Golden Laced Wyandotte hens and I know you will love yours too.
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