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Do you want an easy way to keep track of every egg your chickens lay. Here is a free printable chicken egg production tracker.

Have you ever wanted to know the exact number of eggs your chickens lay each year? Well the only way you are going to know is to write it down.
When I first started keeping chickens I would use pen and paper to draw a calendar where I could track my flock’s egg production.
Making a new calendar each month took awhile, so I have now made this spreadsheet which can be printed. Why should you even be tracking your chicken’s egg production?
Why you should track your chicken’s egg production
Here are a few reasons why tracking egg production matters.
1. Egg Production Indicates Flock Health
Egg production is a good indication of your flock’s health. If you track their eggs you will easily see when there is a drop in production.

Note: It is normal for chickens to slow down or stop laying eggs over the winter. This is due to the decrease in daylight.
2. Indicates when your chickens are done laying
Chickens will eventually get old and stop laying eggs. Most chickens can keep laying consistently for 3-4 years.
When you track their daily egg production it will be easy to see when your hens are on the decline. When you notice this it is a great time to get new chicks so you will always have fresh eggs.
3. Helps You Calculate egg costs
If you know the number of eggs your chickens lay in a year you can calculate the costs of your chicken’s eggs. This can be very useful if you are selling eggs.
If you want to calculate the costs of keeping chickens read this post.
How To Use This Egg Production Tracker
The first thing you should do is get your free egg production tracker! Enter your email in the form below and you will get the tracker right in your inbox.
Once you download this form your can then print the tracker.
Each day you can fill the number of eggs your chickens laid. At the end of each month you can total the number of eggs.
Once the year ends you can calculate the grand total. These sheets are great to keep from year to year so you can see how your egg production fluctuates.
I recommend keeping this sheet close to where you store your eggs. This makes is easy to remember to fill it in.
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