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I have had a chicken coop with a dirt floor ever since I first got chickens. I have experimented with different bedding methods and I have figured out the best method for keeping the coop “clean”. If you want to learn how to clean a chicken coop with a dirt floor keep reading.
Chicken coops shouldn’t be spotless
While this may sound obvious for some it is not for everyone. While we keep our indoor pets in spotless habitats chickens do not require the same cleanliness.
You should still keep your coop “clean” but not spotless. Chickens are outdoor creatures and suffer if they are kept in a sterile environment. They like to eat bugs and roll in the dirt (dust bathe) which is not possible if their coop is spotless.
What chickens need most is clean water. If you deep clean anything in the chicken coop make sure it is the water dish.
The Deep Litter Method (DLM)
The deep litter method is great way to reduce the amount of work in the chicken coop and make free fertilizer for your garden. DLM is also a great way to maintain a dirt floored chicken coop.
The DLM is super simple, and creates less work for you. To start the DLM add a layer of clean bedding (I like to use straw because is decomposes easily) right on top of the dirt floor.
Once that layer is soiled with chicken droppings you simply add on another layer of bedding. Continue this process for 6 months before you clean out the coop.
The lower layers of the bedding will start to compost because the chicken droppings and the straw create the perfect combination of carbon and nitrogen. Plus, because chickens naturally scratch and stir piles, you should not need to stir the bedding to compost it.
Another benefit of using the DLM is the heat that comes from the decomposing material. While it may not be a lot of heat it does help keep the chickens a few degrees warmer in the winter.
I like to throw down some scratch grains or glass gem popcorn to make the chickens stir the compost. The corn and grains will also sprout if the bedding is warm enough. This gives the chickens some healthy greens to eat during the winter.
Having a dirt floor in your chicken coop will also allow soil life like worms and grubs to make its way in to the bedding. This offers a great source of protein for the chickens, and this also helps speed up the composting process.
I clean the bedding out and start the DLM again in fall and keep adding layers all winter before I clean it out again in the spring. Remember to just clean out the bedding and not the dirt floor.
When you clean out the bedding you will notice that the lower layers are already composted while the upper layers are not. I like to take all the bedding and throw it in my compost tumbler to finish up the decomposing process. This usually takes a month or two in the tumbler.
Here is a full article about the deep litter method.
Cleaning the nest boxes and roost bars
Every spring and fall I do a full cleaning in my chicken coop. First I clean out the deep bedding then I clean the nest boxes and roost bars. (I do refresh the straw in the nest boxes throughout the year; this is just a deep cleaning)
The roosting bar can get very dirty with the chickens roosting on it and getting their droppings on it. To clean the roosting bar I like to use a putty knife along with my homemade chicken coop cleaner. You can find the recipe to make my coop cleaner here.
Spray the roosting bar with the vinegar based cleaner and let it set for a while. This cleaner will start to penetrate the layer of gunk and make it easier to clean off.
Once it has set for a little while then you can take the putty knife and scrape it all off onto the dirt floor. **Disclaimer: Make sure to let your chickens out when you use the cleaner as it can irritate their respiratory system. Also take caution not to inhale the cleaner as vinegar can irritate the lungs**
I then move onto the nesting boxes where I start by throwing out the old straw onto the floor. (When I refresh the straw in the nesting boxes throughout the year I will just throw it on the dirt floor to compost with the other bedding.) Then I spray the cleaner and scrape off the gunk.
After everything is clean I will leave the nesting box open and let the coop air out. The UV light from the sun is great at disinfecting things. After I air it out I add new straw to the nest boxes and dirt floor and let the chickens back in. Voila! I am done for 6 months.
Are dirt floors better
Most chicken coops are raised off the ground and do not have a dirt floor. I have never had a chicken coop like this, but have always had a dirt floored chicken coop. All types of coops have their pros and cons to them so here are a few that come with dirt floored chicken coops.
Pros of having a dirt chicken coop floor
It never has to be replaced
Unlike wood floors dirt floors never rot. Since you don’t have to install it in the first place it is also cheaper.
Allows bugs to get in
While this may not be great for a house, having a dirt floor in this chicken coop allows worms, grubs, and other insects to get into the chicken coop where they can be eaten by the chickens.
Makes the deep litter method easy
The bedding will decompose faster when it is in contact with the soil. This means that your deep litter will turn into compost faster.
Cons of having a dirt chicken coop floor
Not as clean
Dirt floors do not keep your chicken coop as clean as having a wood/hard floor.
Allows moisture in
I will get a lot of moisture in my chicken coop when the snow starts to melt. This usually only lasts for a month before everything dries up for summer.
What ever type of floor you choose remember to clean your chicken coop every six months and compost the bedding for a great soil amendment.
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